Harvey L. Handler, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Adult, Pediatric, & Cosmetic Dermatology

Diseases & Surgery of the Skin, Hair and Nails, & Laser Surgery

Board Certified Dermatologist in Sylvania, Ohio

Services - Chemical Peels

What is it and what does it do?

Different chemicals are utilized consisting of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and trichloroacetic acid. These peels help to remove omedones (blackheads), lighten brown sun spots (age spots), enhance glow to a dull sun-damaged complexion, exfoliate sun-damaged skin, and improve fine lines. These peels are also very helpful for acne-scarred skin and associated discoloration from acne. Chemical peels are also used in conjunction with glycolic acid, creams, and retinaldehydes to reduce melasma (mask of pregnancy). Dr. Handler's specialty hand peels rejuvenate the the tops of your hands by eliminating or greatly reducing sun spots (age spots) and wrinkles.

What areas can be treated?

These products can be safely used on the face, chest, back, arms, tops of the hands, and neck.

Is there discomfort involved?

There is minimal discomfort with the procedure with minimal peeling or redness following the peel and no bruising.

Is there any "downtime" involved?

There is no downtime following the procedures.

Tips To Remember

Always question the expertise and qualifications of the individual performing the procedure and past experience with other patients. This procedure is performed entirely by Dr. Handler.